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Nous lisons aussi beaucoup de livres en VO, surtout ceux écrits en anglais, et nous savons que nous ne sommes pas les seuls à le faire. Vous trouverez donc dans cette catégorie tous les romans en langue étrangère (en anglais ou, plus rarement, en allemand) dont nous avons envie de vous parler. Peut-être que ce serait enfin l’occasion de vous lancer, vous aussi, dans la lecture d’un bon livre en anglais…

The Lost Language of Cranes (de ParisDude)

Synopsis Quand Philip, un jeune New-Yorkais qui a décidé de vivre ouvertement son homosexualité, révèle enfin son secret à ses parents, il n’imagine pas toutes les conséquences de son aveu. Rose et Owen sont d’autant plus bouleversés que cet aveu survient au moment où ils doivent affronter une grave crise. Locataires menacés d’expulsion, ils vivent une remise en cause, tant morale que matérielle, de leur existence tout entière. Existence qui recèle des zones d’ombre : le père de Philip lutte lui-même depuis des années contre ses propres tendances homosexuelles. La déclaration intempestive du fils chamboulera cet équilibre précaire. Leavitt, sismographe des cataclysmes ordinaires, se plaît à entrer en scène à ce moment critique. Il guette la cellule familiale sur le point

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Guest Post: « Find Me » (Buck Jones)

Cette fois-ci, nous avons un invité qui nous parlera – en anglais, une fois n’est pas coutume – du livre Find Me d’André Aciman. Synopsis In « Find Me », Aciman shows us Elio’s father, Samuel, on a trip from Florence to Rome to visit Elio, now a gifted classical pianist. A chance encounter on the train upends Sami’s visit and changes his life forever. Elio soon moves to Paris, where he, too, has a consequential affair, while Oliver, a New England college professor with a family, suddenly finds himself contemplating a return trip across the Atlantic. Aciman is a master of sensibility, of the intimate details and the nuances of emotion that are the substance of passion. « Find Me » brings us

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Couchsurfing: The Musical (de ParisDude)

Synopsis « Couchsurfing: the Musical » charts both a physical and psychological journey as author explores the fast-growing travel phenomenon of Couchsurfing. Middle-aged and set in his ways, he starts as a skeptic. Who would want to spend the night in the home of a complete stranger? While knocking on the doors of thirty-five of these strangers across nine countries, starting in Tel Aviv and ending in Boston, he realizes that He would, and maybe he’ll not only save money, but find himself changed for the better by the experience. Balancing the forward motion of his Couchsurfing adventures are glimpses back into the past, seen through the quirky lens of musicals that have played a part in his life. Notre avis J’ai

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Josh Lanyon, "Murder at Pirate's Cove"

Murder at Pirate’s Cove (de ParisDude)

Synopsis Ellery Page, aspiring screenwriter, Scrabble champion and guy-with-worst-luck-in-the-world-when-it-comes-to-dating, is ready to make a change. So when he learns he’s inherited both a failing bookstore and a falling-down mansion in the quaint seaside village of Pirate’s Cove on Buck Island, Rhode Island, it’s full steam ahead! Sure enough, the village is charming, its residents amusingly eccentric, and widowed police chief Jack Carson is decidedly yummy (though probably as straight as he is stern). However, the bookstore is failing, the mansion is falling down, and there’s that little drawback of finding rival bookseller–and head of the unwelcoming-committee–Trevor Maples dead during the annual Buccaneer Days celebration. Still, it could be worse. And once Police Chief Carson learns Trevor was killed with the

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Nous étions l’histoire en marche

Synopsis « Nous étions l’Histoire en marche » raconte la relation tumultueuse de deux cousins qui traversent l’histoire de l’Amérique de l’après-guerre jusqu’à nos jours, leur enfance de baby boomers, la découverte de leur sexualité, leurs amours, leurs ruptures et réconciliations, avec en contre-champ, la naissance d’Act Up, Woodstock, l’explosion du disco, la consommation de drogues, les fêtes fastueuses de Fire Island Pines, les folies douces de San Francisco, le militantisme de Greenwich Village et toute une série de clins d’oeil aux personnalités et à l’histoire de notre temps. Un roman au souffle large et puissant, qui se déploie comme une épopée, et que l’écrivain Edmund White a comparé à un équivalent gay de « Autant en emporte le vent ». Lors de sa

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Onyx (de ParisDude)

Synopsis Ray Henriques has success, love, friendship … but lately it’s not enough. Yet it’s not just Ray who is on a quest for deeper meaning. For Jesse, Ray’s lover of ten years, it is a quest accelerated by his imminent death from AIDS. And for young married father of two Mike Tedesco, it is a search for the heart of masculinity. The sexual exploration which begins when Ray and Mike meet awakens a restlessness in both men, which resoundingly alters their future paths. As Ray’s life begins to draw him increasingly into the future, a future without Jesse, he attempts to tether himself to the here and now with frequent visits to a past where life’s answers seemed simpler

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Love You To Death (de ParisDude)

Synopsis Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and everyone has a sweetheart, except Stan Kraychik, Boston’s sassiest hairdresser. Ever hopeful of meeting Mr. Right, Stan attends a gala reception that culminates in a death by poisoning, and romantic problems take a back seat to murder. Then Boston police arrest Stan’s friend Laurett Cole, who leaves her four-year-old son in Stan’s care. In his quest to free Laurett from suspicion and himself from his ill-mannered ward, Stan finds himself exploring the secrets of a revered Boston institution, the Gladys Gardner Chocolate Company. There, along with the sweet edibles, he finds an assortment of not-so-delectable murder. First edition published by St. Martin’s Press, January 1993. Note: A Lambda Literary Awards Finalist in 1993,

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I Buried a Witch (de ParisDude)

Synopsis Something old, something new, something borrowed…something blacker than the darkest night. Cosmo Saville adores his new husband but his little white lies—and some very black magic—are about to bring their fairytale romance to an end. Someone is killing San Francisco’s spellcasters—and the only person Cosmo can turn to—the man who so recently swore to love and cherish him—isn’t taking his phone calls. The only magic Police Commissioner John Joseph Galbraith believes in is true love. Discovering he’s married to a witch—a witch with something alarmingly like magical powers—is nearly as bad as discovering the man he loved tricked and deceived him. John shoulders the pain of betrayal and packs his bags. But when he learns Cosmo is in the

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Amy Rae Durreson, "Something Wicked This Way Comes"

Something Wicked This Way Comes (de ParisDude)

Synopsis A workaholic teacher and a cranky blacksmith investigate a haunted orphanage in the remote Scottish Borders. What they find together might help them heal the wounds of their pasts… if they survive. When the charity Leon works for inherits the orphanage, he travels north to see if the site is suitable for a new school. But Vainguard is a place of dark secrets, and Leon unearths a mystery about four children who died there in 1944—a tragic tale with an uncanny connection to the death of Leon’s parents. Still bitter and guilt-ridden over his daughter’s death, farrier Niall joins Leon in uncovering Vainguard’s cruel history, including not just abuse but a tale about a vengeful spirit preying on local

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Roots of Evil (de ParisDude)

Synopsis Many consider Naomi Teedle the village witch. Most people avoid her except when they have need of her herbs and potions. She lives alone on the outskirts of Merrychurch, and that’s fine by everyone—old Mrs. Teedle is not the most pleasant of people. But when she is found murdered, her mouth bulging with her own herbs and roots, suddenly no one has a bad word to say about her. Jonathon de Mountford is adjusting to life up at the manor house, but it’s not a solitary life: pub landlord Mike Tattersall sees to that. Jonathon is both horrified to learn of the recent murder and confused by the sudden reversal of public opinion. Surely someone in the village had

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