Étiquette : Polar

A Do-Si-Do With Death (de ParisDude)

Synopsis When ’Dead as a Doornail’ was published in 1998, we thought we’d seen the last of Stan Kraychik. But thanks to persistent sleuthing, a final adventure

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Dead as a Doornail (de ParisDude)

Synopsis A Stan Kraychik Mystery, Book 6. Newly wealthy psychologist-by-training, hairstylist-by-experience Stan Kraychik buys the last unrenovated brownstone in Boston’s fabulously chic South End only

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Déjà sortie: « Muscle roi » d’Hétonque

Synopsis Dans les années 2000, Jérémie, journaliste pour une revue gay, est chargé d’interviewer Mathias Bergy, un haltérophile prometteur. Il côtoie à contrecoeur un monde

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Time to Check Out (de ParisDude)

Synopsis A Stan Kraychik Mystery, Book 5. It’s October in Key West, as quiet as the tropical island will ever be. Or so thinks Boston

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Body at Buccaneer’s Bay (de ParisDude)

Synopsis Dead Men Tell No Tales Mystery Bookshop owner Ellery Page and Police Chief Jack Carson are diving for the legendary sunken pirate galleon Blood Red

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Mask for a Diva (de ParisDude)

Synopsis A Stan Kraychik Mystery, Book 4 – Stan Kraychik, Boston hair-dresser extraordinaire, has been hired as the wig master’s assistant for the upcoming season

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Dead On Your Feet (de ParisDude)

Synopsis A Stan Kraychik Mystery, Book 3 — Spring is in the air and Stan has been with his boyfriend, ballet dancer and choreographer, Rafik,

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Come Unto These Yellow Sands (de ParisDude)

Synopsis Once a bad boy, the only lines Professor Sebastian Swift does these days are Browning, Frost and Cummings. When a student he helped to

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Bell, Book, and Scandal (par ParisDude)

Synopsis Black Cats. Black Arts. Black. Mail. Must a witch break his vows to save his marriage? Cosmo Saville has never been happier. His adored

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Les Invertis (de ParisDude)

Synopsis Dans les rues de Pigalle, les cadavres déguisés, greffés et travestis se multiplient… Tout accuse Gabriel, chirurgien de jour et travesti la nuit. Depuis

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